Monday, July 28, 2008

Protect your valuables with your mobile

A friend of mine told me about that product some days ago, and I found the idea very clever, although it might have some drawbacks.

Indeed, travelers are always good targets for theives and this product, developped buy SECU4 company in Switzerland, should be of great help !

This alarm system called the "BlueWatchDog" (Blue for bluetooth) consists of a credit card size device that you can insert into any object you want to secure (even in your children's pockets !) and of a software that you download on your mobile. Once set up, your mobile will ring or vibrate when your device (or your child !) is more than 1 to 30 meters far from the owner of the mobile, and few seconds after, it will engage a 100 decibels alarm to afraid the theif (not sure that somebody will robb your child, but it can be a good way of making them stay around you, once they have been transformed into a 100 decibels alarm once or twice...).

One major drawback of this system according to me is that it requires to be charged, and that will be one more battery adapter to carry in your luggage... but indeed, the alarm system needs some power to be engaged and this can not be with a passive device.

This product costs 79 euros VAT inc. which is to my mind affordable compared to its capabilities and is for the moment compatible with 70 % of the US and European mobiles, according to the constructor. (not compatible with my HTC though nor with any BlackBerries...)

If someone has already experienced it with one of its child, I will be very happy to share with him about this experience !

Info concerning SECU4 company :

Nationality : Swiss
Status : Limited company


Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your article.

As further more informations concerning HTC and Blackberry, we are developping those specific application which will be available very soon (before the end of this year). So you also we be able to use the system ;-)

Concerning now the child, the system allows you to set up different elements. So if you want to protect your child you can just desactivate the alarm on the card through the application.

Final point concerning the batteries which have to be charged. the autonomy of the system is from 85 hours "armed" (in protection mode). It means that you could go on holidays for example during 10 days using it 8 hours a day before having to charge it. So you don't even need to take your charge with you.

The product will be available next week on our website

Come and visit us !

Have fun !

Ralph Rimet, CEO, SECU4

New IT Bizz said...

Hello Ralph,

Thank you very much for all these precisions, I am very happy and pleased to get a comment from the CEO of this fantastic new technology. The autonomy of 85 hours is a great thing, since 8 hours a day during 10 days is already very much.

All the best for the launch of this product, I hope you will succeed in this entrepreneurial project !