Thursday, July 24, 2008

Want to enhance your innovation skills ? Innotown is for you !

We, IT entrepreneurs, are all looking for THE idea, the new concept that will change everyone's life and of course make us rich and famous !

We all know and admire Bill gates' success story, Google's web hegemony and others. How comes these guys have been able to set up such businesses ? Is that intelligence, tenacity or simply luck ? Well, we all know that it is also due to their innovation skills. Thinking "out of the box" can bring us a lot, and often more.

One will think that this is only reserved to some talentuous persons, with some kind of a gift, but actualy it is not. Innovation can be studied and enhanced as you do at school with history or mathematics.

Every year, there is a very interresting innovation event taking place which is called Innotown. This conference invites innovation experts in different fields to talk about how to improve and stimulate innovation. This year it is taking place in Norway on the 21st October (don't forget your scarf and mittens...) in the city of Stavenger.

Amongts all the conferences, you can find one called "Inside Steve Job's brain" or "The Simpsons - innovation once a week during 20 years".

Great event to stimulate your brain and also a great opportunity to visit a fabulous scandinavian country !

To know more :

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